1. 貨品來源?The source of the products?
    Our products come from all over the world, and the description in the product page will indicate the place of origin.

  2. 如果我買回來後尺寸不合適,可以退換嗎?If the size does not fit after I buy it, can I exchange/ refund/ return it?
    我們的角色是代購買手,所有貨品依照訂單數量及尺寸訂購,不會有額外貨品可安排,貨品除質量問題外不設退換,詳情請參考我們的貨品退換政策。 自家品牌產品可在有貨情況下安排更換尺寸,但並不安排退貨/退款。
    Our role is to act as a purchasing agent. All products are ordered according to the order quantity and size. There will be no additional goods to be arranged. Except for quality problems, the products are not refundable/ exchangeable. For details, please refer to our policy. However, our own brand products can be exchange if available, but returns/refunds are unavailable.

  3. 如果訂單中有缺貨的貨品會怎樣處理?What happens if there are out-of-stock items in the order?
    我們會退還該貨品的價格,不安排取消全張訂單。We will refund the price of the item without canceling the entire order.