
Luna Palace是一家致力於提供時尚、華麗且獨特女裝服飾的公司。我們以自家設計的女裝服飾和引進泰國和印尼的時尚品牌為主,專注於為客戶打造派對和重要場合穿搭的款式。我們相信每個女性都應該在特殊時刻中展現出最美的自己,因此我們不斷努力提供多樣化且高品質的選擇。



自家設計女裝服飾:LUNA PALACE以自家設計的女裝服飾為核心,結合最新的時尚趨勢和創新的設計理念,為客戶帶來各種風格迥異的派對和重要場合穿搭款式。無論是優雅的禮服、華麗的晚禮服還是充滿活力的派對裙,我們都致力於提供客戶獨特而精湛的選擇。




Luna Palace的使命是為客戶提供創新且具有時尚感的派對和重要場合穿搭選擇,讓每位女性在特殊時刻中散發自信和美麗。


  • 時尚創新:我們追求時尚領域的創新,以最新的時尚趨勢為靈感,為客戶帶來前衛且獨特的設計。
  • 品質第一:我們注重每個細節,確保提供客戶高品質的女裝服飾,讓她們感受到我們的用心與關懷。
  • 客戶滿意:客戶是我們業務的核心,我們致力於提供優質的客戶服務,並持續改善以滿足客戶的需求。


Luna Palace致力於成為在派對和特殊場合中引領時尚風潮的品牌。我們期待能為每位女性帶來獨特而令人難忘的時尚體驗


About Us

Luna Palace is a firm that specializes in stylish, gorgeous, and exclusive apparel for women. We primarily design women's clothes and introduce designer brands from Thailand and Indonesia, with an emphasis on generating styles for consumer's parties and special occasions. We believe that every woman ought to present her best at her special moments, thus we work hard to provide a broad and high-quality variety.

Our Products

Self-designed women's clothing: Luna Palace brand, which blends the current fashion trends and new design concepts, offers consumers a range of styles for parties and crucial occasions. All our brand label products are designed by Luna Palace and made in Thailand, we hired a great tailor team in local and adopted Grade A production. High quality fabric and good fit cutting for Hong Kong woman are our primary concern on every design. We are committed to giving our customers with unique and outstanding choices, whether it is an elegant dress, a gorgeous evening gown, or a lively party dress.

Women's apparel imported from Thailand and Indonesia: We also import niche designer brands from Thailand and Indonesia, which are known for their distinct styles, beautiful craftsmanship, and high-quality materials. These imported women's clothing complements our product line by providing more diverse and foreign options that satisfy the needs of various consumers.

Values and Mission

The mission of Luna Palace is to give consumers novel and attractive party and special occasion dress solutions, allowing every woman to express confidence and beauty in exceptional times.

We adhere to the following principles:

  • Fashion innovation: We explore fashion innovation and deliver consumers avant-garde and one-of-a-kind creations inspired by the latest fashion trends.
  • Quality first: We pay close attention to every detail to ensure that we give high-quality women's apparel to our consumers, in order that they are able to sense our intentions and care.
  • Customer satisfaction: Since our customers are at the heart of our business, we are dedicated to offering high-quality customer service and continual improvement in order to meet their expectations.

Luna Palace aspires to be an iconic brand for special occasions and celebrations. We are excited to provide each woman with an unforgettable experience.