最新消息 News
27/3/2025 泰國預購貨品到達日期延遲通知
4月5-7日, 及13-16日為泰國公眾假期
請留意 7-14工作天不計算公眾假期在內
April 5-7, and 13-16 are public holidays in Thailand
Logistics services are suspended during public holidays
Please note that 7-14 working days do not include public holidays
09/12/2024 印尼預購貨品到達日期延遲通知
For Indonesian product orders placed from December 10,
the arrival date will be January 19, 2025.
Normal delivery time will resume after January 19, 2025.
The delivery time of Thailand products remains 7-14 business days.
If customer has more urgent needs,
please consider Thailand product or purchase in-stock products.
25/3/2024 印尼預購貨品到達日期延遲通知
Indonesian product orders placed after June 30 will be dispatched on July 17.
The pick-up and arrival date is July 21st.
Customers are advised to carefully consider date arrangements before ordering. Returns and exchanges related to the arrival date will not be processed.
25/3/2024 泰國預購貨品到達日期延遲通知
**Please note that since April 8th and 12th are public holidays in Thailand, and April 14th to 16th are Thai New Year public holidays, the arrival time of the goods will be delayed by 3-5 working days. If the goods arrive early, our store will maintain normal services and arrange for self-pickup or shipping in advance.
25/3/2024 印尼預購貨品到達日期延遲通知
**請留意3月29日至4月7日的印尼預購訂單將會延遲至4月21日到貨並安排自取或寄出 (印尼新年),
**Please note that Indonesian pre-orders from March 29th to April 7th will be delayed until April 21st and arranged for self-pickup or shipping (Indonesian New Year).
Return to normal after April 21st
**請留意4月8日起的印尼預購訂單將會延遲至4月28日到貨並安排自取或寄出 (印尼新年)
**Please note that Indonesian pre-orders from April 8th will be delayed until April 28th and arranged for self-pickup or shipping (Indonesian New Year).
4/9/2023 店舖休息安排
**請留意 9月11日-17日的現貨訂單會安排於9月18日寄出或安排取件,請留意貨品出貨日期,不接受任何急單。
**Please note that in-stock orders from September 11th to 17th will be shipped or picked up on September 18th. Please pay attention to the shipping date of the products. No urgent orders will be accepted.
7/8/2023 印尼預購貨品到達日期延遲通知
**請留意 8月7日起的印尼預購訂單將會由原定到貨時間延遲多一星期 (印尼國慶),
**Please note that Indonesian pre-orders starting from August 7th will be delayed by one week from the original arrival time (Indonesian National Day),
It will resume to normal after August 15
20/3/2023 印尼品牌價錢及運輸調整通知
由於運輸公司業務調整,所選用之印尼地址將會在4月中停止服務。 本店已更改選用其他運輸公司維持印尼品牌之服務。新選用之運輸公司收費及到港時間有所調整,本店亦因應調整印尼產品價格。在轉用新運輸公司初期,貨品到港時間可能稍有延遲。感謝顧客體諒。
Due to the business adjustment of the courier, the selected Indonesian address will stop serving in mid-April. In order to maintain the service of the Indonesian brand, our store has switched to using different couriers. The newly chosen courier's fees and arrival time have been updated, and our store has likewise altered the price of Indonesian products in alignment with this. In the initial stage of switching to a new courier, the arrival time of the products may be slightly delayed. Thank you for your understanding.